1. TTL The main type of TTL integrated circuit is transistor-transistor logic gate. Most TTL circuits use 5V power supply. 1. Output high level Uoh and output low level Uol Uoh ≥ 2.4V, Uol ≤ 0.4V 2. I...
At an airport in a South American country, passengers' luggage was randomly checked. Those who were checked had to open all their luggage, which was embarrassing. When a certain person was about to pa...
Since Simplicity Studio was previously installed through other boards, no Bluetooth-related routines have been found in Simplicity Studio.After struggling for a long time, I finally found a solution. ...
Nowadays, many electrical appliances in our lives use MCUs. For example, mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, medical equipment, smart voice devices, energy-saving controls, al...