In the circuit design of modern scientific research institutions and the teaching of electronic systems in colleges and universities, integrated operational amplifiers are widely used as basic devices...
1. Power absorbed by a branchFigure 1-5-1 shows a branch in a circuit (it can be an active branch or a passive branch). Assume that the reference direction of the branch current i and the reference po...
[size=4]In TTL integrated circuits, the output with a pull-up transistor is called a totem pole output, and the output without a pull-up transistor is called an OC gate. Because TTL is a three-level g...
FlyCRM: A sales management software that is very suitable for telephone sales personnel and telephone sales teams. (1) It breaks down traditional sales work into a sales main line, including: customer...
BTHelper can help you optimize your BT client software and increase your download speed. A computer optimized by BTHelper will significantly increase your connection speed when downloading, speed up t...
The attached is a diagram I drew according to the schematic on TI's LAUNCHPAD. I made a board according to this, but the resistors of VCC and GND are only 400 ohms. This is definitely a problem. Becau...