The GD32VF103 series RISC-V MCU provides a 108MHz operating frequency, 16KB to 128KB on-chip flash memory and 6KB to 32KB SRAM cache. The patented gFlash technology supports high-speed zero-wait kerne...
[color=#333333][size=5]Now I want to detect a 2-second pulse, but I don't know how to implement it in the program. Please help me. [/size][/color] [size=5][color=#333333] 1. Turn on the system clock a...
[size=4] Four pins, P1.7 - P1.4, have both I/O and JTAG functionality on the 20- and 28-pin MSP430F1xx devices. The default function of these pins is I/O functionality when the device is powered up. W...
[size=4][font=微软雅黑]Thanks again to our amazing editor:pleased:[/font] [font=微软雅黑] [/font] [font=微软雅黑]Hello everyone, I am the editor. Today is November 12, 2018. Even a 10,000-point defense BUFF bless...
1. Current status of the development of CAD technology for automobile cover molds 1. Current status of the development of CAD technology for molds at home and abroad As early as the early 1960s, s...