1. Introduction
This revolutionary patent pending PA.700A Viking is a 2G/3G/4G High Efficiency SMD Ceramic antenna
operating at 700MHz to 960MHz, 1710MHz to 2200MHz. It uses high grade ceramics to deliver the highest
efficiencies on all bands on the shortest device ground-plane lengths possible. The exceptional wide-band
response means it is the ideal antenna for LTE 700MHz applications that also need high efficiency 2G or 3G
on lower and upper bands.
The PA.700 is a unique solution which is delivered on tape and reel. For very detailed integration information
additional to this specification please download our comprehensive PA-700 integration application note from
our website.
1.1 Key Advantages
1. Highest efficiency in small size 40mm*6mm*5mm. A comparative metal, FR4, FPC, whip, rod, and helix
antenna would have much more reduced efficiency in this configuration for the same size due to their
different dielectric constants. Very high efficiency antennas are critical to 3G and 4G devices ability to deliver
the stated data-speed rates of systems such as HSPA and LTE.
2. More resistant to detuning compared to other antenna integrations. If tuning is required it can be tuned
for the device environment using a matching circuit or other techniques. There is no need for new tooling,
thereby saving money if customization is required.
3. Highly reliable and robust– its predecessor the PA.25 antenna is used by the world’s leading auto makers
in extremely challenging environments. The antenna meets all temperature and mechanical specs required
(vibration, drop tests etc)
4. Rectangular shape - Easy to integrate. Other antenna designs come in irregular shapes and sizes making
them hard to integrate.
5. SMD (On-Board) antenna saves on labor, cable and connector costs, leads to higher integration yield
rates, and reduces losses in transmission.
6. It mounts directly on edge of device main-board.
7. Transmission losses are kept to absolute minimum resulting in much improved over the air (OTA)
TRP(Total Radiated Power)/TIS(Total Isotropic Radiation) device performance compared to similar efficiency
cable and connector antenna solutions, thus being an ideal antenna to be used for devices that need to pass
network approvals from for example AT&T or Verizon.
8. Reductions in probability of radiated spurious emissions compared to other antenna technologies are
observed when using the PA-700 and strictly following this application note layout
9. Achieves moderate to high gain in both vertical and horizontal polarization planes. This feature is very
useful in certain wireless communications where the antenna orientation is not fixed and the reflections or
multipath signals may be present from any plane. In those cases the important parameter to be considered
is the total field strength, which is the vector sum of the signal from the horizontal and vertical polarization
planes at any instant in time.
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