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Overview of the new high-voltage DC-DC power module

Source: InternetPublisher:三岁就很酷 Keywords: DC-DC power power module Updated: 2021/06/07

The continuous development of electronic products is also driving the continuous innovation of power supplies. XP Power officially announced the launch of a new 30W DC-DC power module, which can generate up to 6kVDC from a 24VDC single input. The HRL30 series provides a precise high voltage output and is suitable for a wide range of applications including scientific research and semiconductor applications.

This series has a total of 22 voltage modules to choose from, with fully controllable outputs from 0-200VDC to 0-6KVDC in both positive and negative poles. The wide input range of 22 to 30V allows the product to be powered from the 24V rails commonly found in industrial equipment, while the built-in precision +5VDC reference provides stable power to control high voltage outputs. Good line/load regulation (0.01%) and low ripple/noise (<0.05%) ensure stable output voltage.

Overview of the new high-voltage DC-DC power module

Output current and voltage are fully programmable over the entire range (0% to 100%), and the product includes voltage and current monitor outputs for remote monitoring and easy integration into systems.

Modules of the HRL30 series operate over a temperature range of -40°C to +70°C. Baseplate cooling components, unique design and manufacturing techniques and a typical 85% efficiency ensure excellent thermal performance even in the most demanding applications.

This ruggedized product provides arc, short circuit, overload and thermal protection to protect both the product itself and the equipment it is installed on. The HRL30 series of devices are designed to comply with EN60950 and EN62368 standards and are suitable for applications such as mass spectrometry, electrostatic chucks, photomultiplier tubes, electron beam/ion beam, electrophoresis, scanning electron microscopy and capacitive charging. The above is the new high-voltage DC-DC power module launched by XP Power, which is suitable for scientific research and semiconductor applications. Of course, it also requires continuous innovation by scientific researchers.




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