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Simultaneous merging route diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:风向西瓜 Keywords: Wiring diagram BSP generator wiring Updated: 2020/08/26

9. Merging trains since the same period<strong>Route Map</strong>.gif

Since the vehicle is paralleled at the same time, the generator does not add excitation, and there is no voltage on the generator bus, only residual voltage (about a dozen volts), so
the operation is relatively simple.
    As long as the speed (frequency) of the standby generator rises to a value close to the speed (or
frequency (the difference can be ±2.5%, not necessarily exactly equal), the standby generator will be closed. The main switch of the motor is quickly turned on to the excitation
, so that the standby generator can quickly be synchronized by the system.
    The self-synchronous parallel connection is shown in Figure 7-9; the secondary wiring is shown in Figure 7-9.




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