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Things to note when selecting an inductor

Source: InternetPublisher:通通 Keywords: transformer inductor inductance Updated: 2021/02/23

Many circuit designers know about inductors? So what is an inductor? Speaking of inductors? Everyone's first reaction is a component that can convert electrical energy into magnetic energy and store it. The structure of an inductor is similar to that of a transformer. However, the following aspects cannot be ignored when selecting an inductor:

Things to note when selecting an inductor

① The inductor value should be the same as the circuit requirements; especially the coil inductance value of the tuning loop must be accurate. When the inductance is too large or too small, the number of coil turns can be reduced or increased to meet the requirements. For coils with adjustable compassion, the magnetic core should be adjusted to the middle position when measuring and debugging. When the inductances differ greatly, series and parallel methods can be used to solve the problem.

② The higher the Q value, the better. When the inductance of two inductor coils is the same, the one with the smaller value can be selected according to the definition of Q value (XL/R), or the one with the same value and the larger wire diameter can be used.

③ The applied voltage and passing current cannot exceed their rated values.

④ For inductors with electrical strength requirements, it is necessary to choose a variety of packaging materials with high voltage resistance. Generally, inductors with better voltage resistance have better moisture-proof performance. Resin impregnation, encapsulation, and die-casting processes can meet this requirement.

⑤ The inductor leads or pins mainly consider tension, torque, welding resistance and solderability. When components leave the factory for more than six months, the weldability test should be re-carried out to ensure the reliability of the welding.

⑥ For chip inductors, please refer to the designed pad size when selecting. If you choose an inductor with pins, vertical and horizontal inductors with the same parameters can be interchanged if there are no clear regulations and the installation location is sufficient. The above are the considerations for selecting the size of the inductor, which require engineers to continuously accumulate work experience during design.




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