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What is the new double pulse test software?

Source: InternetPublisher:睡不醒的小壮 Keywords: Waveform generator Tektronix dual pulse Updated: 2020/07/23

What is double-pulse test software? What does it do? Tektronix Technology recently announced the launch of a new software plug-in for the arbitrary function/waveform generator AFG31000, which can perform critical double-pulse tests in one minute, compared with other methods. Compared to this, it obviously saves a lot of time.

With the new dual-pulse test software, engineers can quickly define pulse parameters in a single window on the AFG31000's large touchscreen display and generate the pulses needed to perform the test in less than a minute. The software can adjust the impedance of the pulse width and the time slot between each pulse, supporting up to 30 pulses with a pulse width ranging from 20 ns to 150 µs.

What is the new double pulse test software?

"The new dual-pulse test plug-in once again proves that our new AFG31000 can easily set up the test system, quickly change parameters, and run a series of tests with extremely high efficiency and stability." Vice President and President of Keithley Product Line, Tektronix Technology Manager Chris Bohn said, "This greatly improves the work efficiency of power engineers, thereby significantly reducing costs and shortening product development cycles."

Researchers and design and test engineers in the power supply and semiconductor industries use double-pulse testing to measure and evaluate the switching parameters and dynamic characteristics of power devices, including devices made with wide-bandgap materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) and nitride. Gallium (GaN).

To perform double-pulse testing, engineers need to accurately generate at least two voltage pulses with different pulse widths and timings to trigger a MOSFET or IGBT power device. Generating these pulses using current test equipment has been challenging, forcing researchers and engineers to manually create waveforms using PCs or microcontrollers, a process that is time-consuming and error-prone.

AFG31000 redefines arbitrary waveform/function generator

Launched last year, the AFG31000 has set a number of industry firsts in its class, redefining arbitrary waveform/function generators, including the largest touch screen, a new user interface, and a patented system that automatically detects and compensates for impedance mismatches. InstaView™ technology features, programmable waveform sequencing, and the new ArbBuilder tool for easy creation and editing of arbitrary waveforms.

The AFG31000 series instruments feature 9-inch touch screen displays in 1- and 2-channel configurations, offering 14-bit vertical resolution and 250 MSa/s, 1 GSa/s or 2 GSa/s sampling rates. The above is the analysis of the double pulse test software, I hope it can help you.




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