Modified AC and DC dual-purpose arc welding machine circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:公子李 Keywords: AC and DC arc welding machine electromechanical Updated: 2020/12/26
Modified AC and DC dual-purpose arc welding machine circuit
By installing a silicon rectifier device on an AC arc welding machine such as the BX series, it can be converted into an AC and DC dual-purpose arc welding machine. The
modified arc welding machine has the advantages of easy arc ignition, small spatter, uniform weld seam, and high fastness. Note: When welding with AC and DC
electrodes, generally the positive electrode is connected to the ground and the negative electrode is connected to the welding gun. However, when using a DC electrode, the negative electrode must be grounded and the positive electrode is connected to
the welding gun.
The modified circuit is shown in the figure.
Reactor L adopts II-shaped iron core. The straight-shaped iron core and II-shaped iron core are separated by cardboard to prevent the reactor core from being saturated
. The iron core dimensions are: 45mm spacing between two columns, 120mm column height, 45mm sheet width, 80mm stack thickness; 25-40
turns of the coil; the conductor cross-section is the same as the secondary conductor cross-section of the welding transformer.
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