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Internal structure of RT9245 chip

Source: InternetPublisher:D先生 Keywords: CPU BSP PWM Updated: 2020/01/29

58. Internal structure of RT9245<strong>chip</strong>.gif

Internal structure of RT9245 chip

This circuit uses a PWM pulse signal generation circuit, namely RT9245 (also known as power management chip ), to generate 4 PWM signals with different phases
. The +12 V voltage provided by the AIX power supply is passed through RT9603 and a pair of field effect transistors. It becomes a pulse voltage, and then passes through
the filter circuit (LC) to become the DC voltage required by the CPU . In order to meet the operating current required by the CPU, the circuit adopts a 4-phase output resynthesis
method, and the output current can be enhanced to 4 times that of a single channel.
    The voltage value required by the CPU is very strict, so its output circuit is also very precise. When working, the CPU sends the voltage command
to the ①~⑤ pins of RT9245 through VIDO~VID4. RT9245 internally recognizes the command and adjusts the PWM pulse. The duty cycle enables the final output
voltage to meet the requirements of the CPU .




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