Home > Basic Circuits > Bird call analog signal generator circuit

Bird call analog signal generator circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:MartinFowler Keywords: signal generator analog signal generator circuit oscillator Updated: 2021/12/07

55.Bird call simulation<strong>signal generator</strong>circuit.gif

Bird call analog signal generator circuit

Shown is a bird call analog signal generator circuit. The circuit consists of six inverters CD4069 forming three oscillators .
The two inverters l and 2 of lcl form an ultra-low frequency oscillator. Its oscillation frequency is a fraction of a hertz. This signal is sent to
the counter The CLK terminal of IC2 has different configurations in the output terminals Q1-Q9 of IC2 according to the number of input pulses to control the subsequent fftj-tube
matrix. The inverters 3 and 4 of ICI form an audio oscillator and are used to generate audio signals. The non-inverters S and 6 of IC1 form a low-frequency oscillator.
The audio oscillator is controlled by the low frequency oscillator output signal, so the output of the audio oscillator is a modulated audio signal. The signal output by the low-frequency oscillator is sent to the audio oscillator
through C4 and one or more of B-RII . Whether 8~Rl1 is connected depends on the on or off of the analog switches ES1~ES4, and ES1-ES4 is affected by Controlled by VD2-VD9.




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