Home > Power Circuits > AD7982 differential conversion single-ended signal circuit diagram

AD7982 differential conversion single-ended signal circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:拿铁三分糖 Keywords: Circuit diagram signal circuit AD VR Updated: 2021/03/09

   Many applications require high-resolution, differential input ADCs to convert single-ended analog signals, whether bipolar or unipolar. This DC-coupled circuit converts a single-ended input signal to a differential signal and is suitable for driving the 18-bit, 1 MSPS device AD7982 in the PulSAR series ADC. This circuit uses the single-ended to differential driver ADA4941-1 and an ultra-low noise 5.0 V reference voltage source The ADR435 can accept many types of single-ended input signals, including bipolar or unipolar signals in the high voltage to low voltage range.

  The differential input voltage range of the AD7982 is set by the voltage on the REF pin. When VREF = 5 V, the differential input voltage range is ±VREF = ±5 V. The voltage gain (or attenuation) from the single-ended source VIN to OUTP of the ADA4941-1 is set by the ratio of R2 to R1. The ratio of R2 to R1 should be equal to the ratio of VREF to the peak-to-peak input voltage VIN. When the single-ended input voltage is 10 V peak-to-peak and VR EF = 5 V, the ratio of R2 to R1 should be 0.5. The signal on OUTN is the inversion of the OUTP signal. The absolute value of R1 determines the input impedance of the circuit. The feedback capacitor CF is selected based on the required signal bandwidth, which is approximately 1/(2πR2CF). The 20 Ω resistor and 2.7 nF capacitor form a 3 MHz single-pole low-pass noise filter. Resistors R3 and R4 set the common-mode voltage at the IN input of the AD 7982. The figure below shows the single-ended to differential DC coupled driver circuit diagram .


AD7982 differential conversion single-ended signal circuit diagram




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