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High-voltage power distribution outlet in the production workshop

Source: InternetPublisher:清宁时光 Keywords: High voltage power distribution circuit breakers isolation switches Updated: 2021/03/03

3. Production workshop<strong>High-voltage power distribution</strong>outlet<strong>Electricity</strong>.gif

 There are six high-voltage outlets in this power distribution station. Among them, there are two routes that are distributed to the No. 2 workshop substation by two sections of busbars through an isolating switch and a circuit breaker; there are two routes - the left busbar (WBl) is supplied to the No. 1 workshop substation through an isolating switch and a circuit breaker; there is one - The busbar in the right section of the route (WB2) is supplied to the No. 3 workshop substation through an isolating switch and a circuit breaker; the busbar in the left section of the route (WB1) is supplied to a high-voltage parallel capacitor ; there are also There is a right section busbar (WB2) that supplies power to a group of high-voltage motors through an isolation switch and a circuit breaker. Since the high-voltage distribution lines here are powered by the high-voltage busbar, the outlet circuit breaker needs to be equipped with an isolation switch on the side of the busbar to ensure the safe maintenance of the circuit breaker and outlet lines .




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