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Single tuned amplifier circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:酷到被通缉 Keywords: Amplification circuit BSP Updated: 2021/10/22

19.Single tuned<strong>amplifier circuit</strong>.gif

A resonant amplifier circuit with only one tuned loop
is called a single- tuned amplifier circuit , as shown in the figure. The resistors R, I, R, and
RE form a voltage dividing bias circuit with a stable operating point. CB and CB are
high-frequency bypass capacitors, and LC forms a parallel resonant circuit, and its resonant frequency
should be the input signal frequency.
    Single tuning means that the primary coils of coupling transformers Ti and Tz and
the parallel circuit form a resonant circuit, and the secondary coils of Ti and Tz have no resonant frequency selection
    The working process of a single-tuned amplifier: the input signal
is added between the be junctions of the transistor through the Ti transformer, causing the transistor to generate a current
lb. Due to the current amplification effect of the transistor itself, a larger collector current /c is generated. When the resonant circuit is tuned to the input signal frequency, the highest resonant voltage is output at both ends
of the circuit . This voltage is coupled to the output load through the transformer T2, so that the load obtains greater power or voltage .




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