Home > Audio/Video Circuits > OTL audio power amplifier

OTL audio power amplifier

Source: InternetPublisher:红水杯 Keywords: Audio power amplifier output power BSP rated power Updated: 2020/11/02

14.OTL<strong>Audio Power Amplifier</strong>.gif

Shown is the cYrL audio power amplifier , rated at 40W, with peak music output power rated at over 200W. Peak
music refers to the maximum music output power and is another dynamic indicator of the power amplifier circuit. If distortion is not considered,
the maximum music power that the power amplifier circuit can output is the peak music output power.
    Usually the peak music output power is greater than the music output power, the music output power is greater than the maximum output power, and the maximum output power is greater than
the rated power. According to practical statistics, the peak music output power is 5 times the rated output power. For a sine wave, the peak voltage of the trapped sine wave
is √j times the effective voltage value, so the peak power is 2 times the effective value power (or rated power), and the maximum music output power is about 4 times
the peak power. , that is, about 8 times the rated power .





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