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Automatic tracking annunciator circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:司马缸砸光 Keywords: Automatic tracking BSP Updated: 2021/06/13

30.<strong>Automatic tracking</strong><strong>Signal</strong><strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

The measurement part consists of a measuring hammer and a wire rope. The signal amplification part is an amplifier composed of a transistor VTI; the control
part includes relays, high-sensitivity relays, time relays and AC contactors. The delay lift part includes transistor VT2, capacitor C, and
Resistance island; the timing measurement part is a time delay relay KT, and the actuator includes a transmission part, a motor and a reducer; the conversion of the measurement signal into a
coal quantity indication is mainly completed by the auto-angle machine.
        (2) Working principle of automatic coal level tracking signal device The circuit diagram of the automatic tracking signal device is shown in Figure 7-30. 3~Smin after the power is turned on, the delay
relay KT begins to close. Due to the closing of the normally open contact of KT, the lower contactor KM1 closes, causing the motor M to start. The motor
passes through the 45:1 speed reducer and the rope drum. Connect, make the winding rope rotate accordingly, and the steel wire of the measuring part and the measuring hammer will drop together. When the measuring hammer contacts
the coal level. VT1 is turned on, the high-sensitivity relay Kl acts, the contact Kl turns from position "1" to "2", the contactor KM1 is disconnected, the motor
stops, and the wire rope and measuring hammer stop falling. ,
    since the contact KM1 is disconnected, the capacitor C begins to charge, causing the VTZ to conduct in a delayed manner, the relay K2 acts, the lifting contactor KM2 acts,
the motor M begins to reverse, and the measuring part is lifted upward. When the measuring hammer leaves the coal position, VI 'l is cut off, K1 is disconnected, the contact Kl turns to
"l", KM2 is cut off, and the motor stops rotating. When the coal level continues to rise. VT1 is also continuously turned on, and the actuator also moves accordingly to issue a coal
level indication. If the coal level continues to drop, KT will act once every 3-5 minutes, and KM1 will repeat the aforementioned actions.
    (3) The measuring hammer is made of @30mm round steel with a length of 150mm, and the head is made into a pointed shape to facilitate contact with the coal level. The steel wire rope entering the bunker should be 3mm in length, and the length is determined according to the depth of the coal bunker. The rope drum must be made of insulating material and isolated from the earth to avoid malfunction. When the electric reel rotates or rotates forward, the rope reel and the transmitter of the self-aligning machine rotate together after deceleration. The transmitter of the self-aligning machine rotates an angle, and its receiver also rotates an angle accordingly. The receivers of the automatic angle straightening machine are installed at the driver's post and the dispatching room respectively. The amount of coal stored in the coal bunker can be observed from the dial of the receiver.     KM1 and KM2 use cjo-lo type AC contactors, and KT uses llov type AC contactors. 3-15min delay relay. Kl and K2 use 55000 sensitive relays. T is 220V, 28V transformer.




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