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Electronic fly swatter circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:三月小雨 Keywords: BSP Updated: 2021/03/10


The traditional mosquito swatter is very unhygienic when used, and some places even restrict
its use. The new electric mosquito swatter overcomes
the shortcomings of the traditional swatter and is more convenient, effective and hygienic to use. When used, just
wave it at mosquitoes and flies to kill the pests.
    As shown in Figure 23-2, the transistor VT and the
primary windings Lc and S of the transformer T form an inductive three-point oscillator, which changes the 1.5V
DC power into alternating current, which is boosted by T. The AC voltage obtained on Lz
is determined by VD1- The five-fold voltage boost
circuit composed of VD5 and Ci~c5 further boosts the voltage to a high voltage of 1600V, which is sent to the discharge network through A and B. The high-voltage electric shock on the discharge network kills mosquitoes and flies.
    R, is the base bias resistor of the transistor VT. Choose lk(/, 1/8W resistor. Use 2SC3205 for vr, use EE13 ferrite core for T, wind 8 turns
with +.22mrn enameled wire for k , and use 40-22mm for Lz. Wind the enameled wire for 22 turns, and use +0.ornm enameled wire for T3 for 1200 turns.
Use N4007 for VD1-VD5, and use 0.47UF630V metallized paper capacitors for Cl-C. :
    The discharge network is modified with a badminton racket, using +0.5mfn bare Pull a copper wire every 8mm and hang it up as pole A. Then use the same
wire and pull it 4mm away from each wire that has been hung as pole B.
    In order to avoid accidentally touching the network cable with your hand, there will be no Feeling of electric shock. The two sets of wires A and B should not be on the same plane.




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