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Children's Toy Doraemon Circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:闪电杰克 Keywords: BSP EDA components Updated: 2020/06/15

38. Children’s Toy Doraemon<strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

This product has the characteristics of a combination of mechanics, electricity, sound, light and magnetism. By making this product, the entire training process of EDA (electronic design automation) practice is completed
. Students complete everything from circuit principle simulation verification to printed circuit board design and manufacturing. The entire process of product design and manufacturing, including component testing, welding, installation, and debugging
, achieves the purpose of cultivating students' engineering practice abilities.
    The picture shows the principle circuit of Doraemon , which is a voice-controlled, light-controlled, and magnetic-controlled electromechanical integrated electric toy. Main working principle: Using
the monostable trigger composed of NE555, under three different control methods, all are given low-level triggers to prompt the motor to rotate, thereby achieving
the purpose of the robot cat stopping and walking, that is, clapping and walking, It will walk when the light shines on it, and it will walk when a magnet is close to it, but it only lasts for a period of time and then stops.
When one of the conditions is met, it will continue to walk.




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