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16-channel high-performance pulse generator, have you heard of it?

Source: InternetPublisher:containsmachine Keywords: cmos dmos ultrasonic Updated: 2020/10/29

What is a 16-channel high-performance pulse generator? What does it do? Targeting important medical and industrial applications, STMicroelectronics uses its proven technology to support monolithically integrated analog circuits (bipolar transistors), digital circuits (CMOS) and The BCD8s-SOI manufacturing process of the power supply (DMOS) circuit introduces a new compact, robust and cost-effective high-voltage transmit pulse generator solution.

16-channel high-performance pulse generator, have you heard of it?

The STHV1600 provides a valuable pulse generator solution for manufacturers of high-end ultrasound imaging cart systems and ultra-portable diagnostic ultrasound equipment, while enhancing ST's existing 4- and 8-channel pulse transmitters for medical and industrial ultrasound equipment. product portfolio. To ensure the smallest chip size on the market, the advanced STHV1600 transmit (TX) pulse generator integrates high-resolution beamforming technology for its 16 independent channels. The coded excitation setting function allows the user to implement high voltage pulse sequences and save pulse train waveform control settings in memory. For maximum flexibility, each channel supports up to five output levels, and the output stages can deliver up to ±2A peak current, independent of the high-voltage supply pin.

The STHV1600 offers several comprehensive protection features, including logic circuit overtemperature protection and independent overtemperature protection for each channel; undervoltage protection; and a self-biased high-voltage MOSFET gate driver with internal detection. Additionally, the new pulse generator includes 65 kbits of embedded memory for storing pulse waveform control settings.

The STHV1600 (in a 144-bump 10x10 TFBGA package) is in production and is currently sampling to major customers. The STHV1600 evaluation board STEVAL-IME014V1 is currently only available to some customers. Contact your local STMicroelectronics sales representative for details. The above is the analysis of the 16-channel high-performance pulse generator. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.




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