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Switching power supply high voltage constant current source circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:公子李 Updated: 2017/05/14

Relevant key device information applied in this article: UC3845 LM393 The instrument developed by IRF840 needs a constant current source that can generate 1MA current on a resistance of 0 to 3 megohms. One is designed using UC3845 combined with a 12V battery. The transformer uses a color TV high-voltage package. , L1 uses enameled wire to wind 24 turns on the core of the original high-voltage package, L3 uses a coil of the original high-voltage package, and L2 uses the high-voltage part of the high-voltage package. L3 and LM393 form a voltage limiting circuit to limit the output voltage from being too high. Adjusting R10 can adjust the open circuit The output voltage




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