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Non-resonant converter circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:风向西瓜 Updated: 2019/12/30

Converters named after partial resonance, multi-resonance, current commutation, etc. are all zero-voltage switching converters with this characteristic. Among them, the inductor commutation converter in principle rarely causes surges even if it performs zero-voltage switching in a non-resonant manner, and the voltage can also be adjusted through PWM control. The figure is the basic circuit of this method. Lc is the inductor used for commutation. Cc is a capacitor for cutting off DC power (for non-resonance). In this way, VTl and VT2 will continue to alternately turn on and off. There will be an off time between the two switches between on and off. During this time, the energy of the inductor Lc charges and discharges the capacitance between the drain and the source of VTl and VT2, so that point A will be reached before the next switch. The voltage drops to zero or is equal to the power supply voltage U to achieve zero-voltage switching conditions, while also controlling the inrush current. 非谐振式变换器电路




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