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Combustible gas fully automatic igniter

Source: InternetPublisher:张小哥 Updated: 2011/05/08

This device uses the TWH8751 power integrated block to form a high-voltage electronic spark ignition device, which is controlled by the light signal fed back by the flame, and has the function of re-igniting after flameout for some reason. If this device cooperates with other control circuits, it can realize the automation of cooking. TWH8751, R1, C1, etc. constitute a square wave generator. B2 is a booster, which can use a 12-inch high-voltage package. The primary is wound with 30 turns of 0.3mm enameled wire or the output transformer in the tube radio can be used directly. BG uses 3AG12 to remove the top of the tube and align it with the flame, and adjust R2 so that the generator stops vibrating when there is a flame. K can be installed on the gas adjustment knob. 可燃气体全自动点火器




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