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Do you know the new generation of comprehensive network analyzer?

Source: InternetPublisher:Lemontree Keywords: analyzer Keysight Technologies network Updated: 2021/06/18

What is a new generation of comprehensive network analyzer? What does it do? May 28, 2019, Beijing - Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) today announced the launch of a new generation of network analyzer, which has excellent dynamic range, trace Line noise and temperature stability, coupled with rich application software, enable reliable and repeatable measurements, allowing engineers to consistently perform a full range of device characterization. Keysight Technologies is a leading technology company helping enterprise, service provider and government customers accelerate innovation and create a secure and connected world.

High-speed digital, wireless, aerospace and defense, and automotive companies require integrated active and passive components in devices such as mobile phones, satellite communications, and 5G base stations to create higher-performance, smaller end products. At the same time, they also need highly integrated test solutions that provide advanced features and performance to overcome radio frequency (RF) test challenges and conduct all-round testing of these highly integrated devices.

Do you know the new generation of comprehensive network analyzer?

Keysight's new E5080B, P50xxA Series and M980xA Series network analyzers offer exceptional functionality and performance in desktop, USB and PXI form factors. These new analyzers combine built-in pulse generators, modulators, and spectrum and time domain analysis capabilities to completely characterize modern equipment without the need for additional test hardware, significantly saving test time.

"Keysight understands that engineers face very unique challenges when testing components such as multiple-input multiple-output antennas used in wireless or RF applications," said Joe Rickert, vice president of research and development for high frequency measurement at Keysight. , they must make a very wide range of measurements. Keysight's new network analyzers give engineers the core functionality they need to perform a variety of different measurements with just one instrument." This is the next generation of comprehensive network analysis Instrument analysis, hope it can help everyone.




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