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Analysis of Keysight’s battery testing solutions

Source: InternetPublisher:桂花蒸 Keywords: BMW Group Keysight Technologies batteries Updated: 2021/12/24

Today's technology has promoted the development of electromagnetism. Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) announced that the BMW Group Battery Technology Center, which was recently established in Munich, Germany, has used Keysight's Scienlab battery testing solution to conduct comprehensive battery cell testing. Keysight Technologies is a leading technology company helping enterprise, service provider and government customers accelerate innovation and create a secure and connected world.

Analysis of Keysight’s battery testing solutions

Keysight's Scienlab battery test solution consists of Keysigh Scienlab battery test system and PathWave Lab Operations software; the former can provide accurate measurement results, and the latter can continuously optimize the specific test laboratory through the management of resources, hardware and information. operate. The solution provides all the functionality needed to plan and execute test procedures, including defining schedules and managing, controlling and monitoring battery test systems and devices under test. In addition, it can analyze test results and the overall efficiency of the laboratory to identify potential improvements.

Dr. Michael Schugt, senior manager of Keysight Technologies' Automotive and New Energy Solutions Group, said: "Working together and complementing each other form the cornerstone of our long-term cooperation with the BMW Group. Based on these, we have successfully overcome many challenges in the electrification of automotive powertrains. Overcoming many challenges, we are extremely proud to use innovative solutions and our expertise in battery testing to support automakers in achieving their long-term development goals of promoting new energy vehicles." The above is Keysight battery testing The plan provides assistance to the BMW Group Battery Technology Center, and I hope it can be helpful to everyone.




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