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Electronic regulator basic circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:风向双子座 Keywords: Power supplyAC/DC Updated: 2020/02/02

Electronic regulator basic circuit



Working principle: ① When the ignition switch SW is just turned on, the engine does not rotate, the generator does not generate electricity, and the battery voltage is added to the voltage divider R1 and R2. At this time, the reverse breakdown of the voltage regulator tube VS cannot be caused because UR1 is low. , VT1 is cut off, and VT1 is cut off so that VT2 is turned on, and the generator magnetic field circuit is turned on. At this time, the battery supplies the magnetic field current. As the engine starts, the generator speed increases, the generator is separately excited to generate electricity, and the voltage increases.

② When the generator voltage rises to greater than the battery voltage, the generator is self-excited to generate electricity and begins to charge the external battery. If the generator output voltage UB < the regulator adjustment upper limit UB2 at this time, VT1 continues to cut off and VT2 continues to conduct, but this time The magnetic field current is supplied by the generator, and the generator voltage increases rapidly as the rotational speed increases.

③ When the generator voltage rises to equal to the upper limit of regulation UB2, the regulator begins to adjust the voltage. At this time, VS is on, VT1 is on, and VT2 is off. The generator magnetic field circuit is cut off. Because the magnetic field is cut off, the magnetic flux decreases and the generator output voltage decreases.




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