Home > Power Circuits > Pressure signal conditioning circuit circuit diagram based on MAX1450

Pressure signal conditioning circuit circuit diagram based on MAX1450

Source: InternetPublisher:aerobotics Keywords: Analog signals power supplies and other power circuits Updated: 2021/08/24


Signal conditioning: It is a signal processing circuit that converts analog signals into digital signals for data collection, control processes, calculation display readout, or other purposes. Analog sensors can measure many physical quantities, such as temperature, pressure, light intensity, etc... However, since the sensor signal cannot be directly converted into digital data, this is because the sensor output is a rather small voltage, current or resistance change. Therefore, when converted into The digital signal must be conditioned beforehand. Conditioning is the process of amplifying, buffering, or scaling analog signals to make them suitable for the input of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Then, the ADC digitizes the analog signal and sends the digital signal to the MCU or other digital device for system data processing.




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