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Solar lighting circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:走马观花 Keywords: Solar energy lighting circuit diagram WIDTH Updated: 2020/06/07

This is a power-saving lighting lamp that uses solar energy to store electricity for lighting . It converts solar energy into electrical energy and stores it in the battery, which can be used for lighting at any time. The lamp tube can be used with high efficiency and energy saving, which is conducive to the full utilization of solar energy.

The circuit is shown in the figure, Ep is the solar cell. E5 is a battery pack. K is the lighting power switch. 555 constitutes a multivibrator circuit. Generate alternating current for lighting of high-efficiency and energy-saving lamps. YU is a high-efficiency energy-saving lamp.

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When there is sunlight during the day, Ep turns the sunlight into photocurrent and charges E5 through the diode 1N4002 to store energy. When lighting is needed, close the switch K and the 555 will oscillate continuously. The oscillating signal is boosted by the transformer, and high-frequency AC high voltage appears on the secondary side, causing the lamp to light up.

The step-up transformer can use a GH26 can-shaped magnetic core. The primary is wound with about 15 turns of enameled wire above 0.5mm, and the secondary is wound with 165 turns of about 0.3mm enameled wire. The power tube BG requires a withstand voltage greater than 50V and a current rating of more than 3A, such as BDX94 or CD X94 (90V, 12A), CD 77-1B (100V, 5V).




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