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Limit switch circuit diagram_limit switch control wiring diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:3228 Keywords: Switch circuit diagram motor control circuit switch control wiring diagram Updated: 2021/01/15

Limit switch circuit diagram_limit switch control wiring diagram


Limit switch circuit diagram_limit switch control wiring diagram

In the figure, SB1 is the stop button, SB2 and SB3 are the forward and reverse start buttons of the motor, SQ1 is the travel switch of the motor from reverse to forward, and SQ2 is the travel switch of the motor from forward to reverse. If the motor rotates forward, the moving parts will be moved to the left. , then the stroke SQ1 is installed in the right position, SQ2 is installed in the left position, and the mechanical stopper that presses the stroke switch is installed on the moving part.

When the forward start button SB2 is pressed, the motor starts to rotate in the forward direction and drags the moving parts to move to the left. When the stop iron on the moving parts presses the travel switch SQ2, the coil of the forward contactor KM1 is powered off and released, and the reverse rotation The coil of contactor KM2 is energized and attracted, and the motor changes from forward to reverse, dragging the moving parts to the right. When the stop iron on the moving part presses the travel switch SQ1, the KM2 coil is powered off and released, and the KM1 coil is powered on again. The motor changes from reverse to forward rotation, and again drags the moving part to move to the left. This cycle repeats to achieve The forward and reverse rotation control of the motor realizes the automatic reciprocating motion of the moving parts. When the stop button SB1 is pressed, the motor stops. This circuit has the characteristics of automatic reciprocating motion after starting, and is suitable for production machinery that requires automatic reciprocating motion.




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