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Three-phase three-wire active energy meter direct connection type

Source: InternetPublisher:拿铁三分糖 Keywords: Three-phase three-wire wiring energy meter WIDTH Updated: 2020/10/02

(1) Three-phase three-wire active energy meter direct wiring requirements

1) Before wiring, check the model, specification and load rated parameters of the electric energy meter. The rated voltage of the electric energy meter should be consistent with the power supply voltage , the rated current should not be less than the load current, and the appearance of the check meter should be intact.

2) The wires connected to the electric energy meter must use copper-core insulated wires. The cross-sectional area of ​​the wires meets the requirements for the safe current carrying capacity and mechanical strength of the wires. The cross-sectional area of ​​the voltage loop wires is not less than 1.5 square millimeters. The cross-sectional area of ​​the current loop wires is not less than 1.5 square millimeters. It should be no less than 2.5 square millimeters, and single-strand wires should be used for wires with a cross-sectional area of ​​6 square millimeters and below, and there should be no joints in the middle of the wires.

3) The polarity must be connected correctly, and the first end of the voltage coil should be connected to the phase line together with the first end of the current coil. The neutral line of the three-phase four-wire must enter and exit the energy meter.

4) Wiring must be in positive phase sequence, and the switch and fuse should be connected to the load side of the energy meter.

(2)Wiring circuit

This figure shows the direct connection method of DS type 5~10A three-phase three-wire active energy meter. For three-phase three-wire active energy meters above 10A, the internal wiring is different, but the external wiring is basically the same.

<strong><strong>Three-phase three-wire</strong></strong>Active<strong><strong>Energy meter</strong></strong>Direct-type<strong><strong>Wiring</strong></strong >Electricity




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