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Topology and schematic diagram of high frequency chain inverter power supply

Source: InternetPublisher:qoistoochee128 Keywords: topology inverter power supply Updated: 2021/06/09

The main circuit topology of the full-bridge bidirectional current source high-frequency chain inverter is shown in Figure 1. It consists of three parts: a high-frequency inverter, a high-frequency transformer and a cycle converter. When working, the inverter works in two different states according to the direction of energy transfer. When the input power supply transmits power to the load, the high-frequency chain inverter converts the DC voltage energy into pulsating current energy and stores it in the energy storage high-frequency transformer. The cycle converter demodulates the high-frequency pulsating current at low frequency and filters it to obtain Low-frequency alternating current supplies power to the load. When the load feeds back energy to the input power supply, the high-frequency inverter works in the rectification state and the cycle converter works in the modulation state.


High frequency chain<strong><strong><strong>Inverter power supply</strong></strong></strong>Topology and<strong><strong><strong>schematic diagram</strong></strong></strong> >


The full-bridge bidirectional current source high-frequency chain inverter is based on the topology of the flyback power converter . According to the polarity of the output voltage uo and output current io, the inverter has 4 operating modes A, B, C, and D. The structural topology of each operating mode is equivalent to a Flyback power converter, and for different According to the load, the working mode sequence of the inverter is different.

When uo>0, io>0, the inverter works in mode A, VM1 and VM4 are chopped at high frequency, and VM5 is normally connected. Ui, L1, L2, VM1, VM4, VM5, VD6, C, and Z form a Flyback converter, and the power supply Ui transmits energy to the load Z.

When uo<0, io>0, the inverter works in mode B, VM5 is high-frequency chopping, and VM6 is normally connected. Li, L1, L2, VM5, VM6, VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4, C, and Z form a Flyback converter, and the load Z feeds back energy to the power supply Ui.

When uo<0, io<0, the inverter works in mode C, VM2 and VM3 are high-frequency chopper, and VM6 is normally on. Ui, L1, L2, VM2, VM3, VM6, VD5, C, and Z form a Flyback converter, and the power supply Ui transmits energy to the load Z.

When uo>0, io<0, the inverter works in mode D, with VM6 high-frequency chopping and VM5 normally connected. Ui, L1, L2, VM5, VM6, VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4, C, and Z form a Flyback converter , and the load Z feeds back energy to the power supply Ui.




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