SH-818 Holiday Lights ASIC

Source: InternetPublisher:赔钱虎 Keywords: ASIC lantern BSP Updated: 2020/05/25

36.SH-818 Holiday<strong>Lights</strong><strong>Application Specific Integrated Circuit</strong>.gif

Except for the different packaging forms of SH-818 integrated circuits used in these two application circuits, their peripheral circuits are exactly the same. They
both use Cl voltage reduction, VD2 rectification, VD3 voltage stabilization and C2 filtering to supply the operating voltage of the integrated circuit. The audio output signal
is sent to the low-power OTI composed of VTI~VT3 by capacitor c5. The circuit amplifies to drive speaker B to play sound. The drive output terminals Ll~L4 of the integrated circuit
are directly added to the gate of the thyristor to control the flashing of the colorful light strings H1-H4.
    Button SB1 can select the following 7 different functions:
    ①Music + four lights flashing at the same time with the beat of music;
    ②Music + double lights flashing alternately with the beat of music;
    ③Music + single light flowing with the beat of music:
    ④Music + double lights Jumping like a horse racing to the beat of the music;
    ⑤ The above 4 patterns change in a loop, and each song automatically changes to a jumping method;
    ⑥ Silent, 4 types of light jumping modes cycle (i.e. four lights flash at the same time, one pair of lights flashes alternately, and a single light moves in the water A pair of lights (
horse racing beats one...):
    ⑦ Fully lit, can be used to check the quality of the lamp string beads.
Button SB2 is the volume control. Pressing SB2 can make the music sound volume cycle through high, medium, low, none...
The capacitors C3 and C4 connected to the sound quality end can be selected between 2.2^ 4.7¨F to obtain the best tone.




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