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Use KD-1001 to make lantern controller

Source: InternetPublisher:睡不醒的小壮 Keywords: lantern controller lantern Updated: 2020/03/01

37. Use<strong>KD</strong>-1001 to make<strong><strong>Light</strong>controller</strong>.gif

The 220V AC mains power is stepped down by resistor Rl, rectified by VDI, stabilized by VD2 and filtered by Cl to output a DC voltage of approximately 3V
for the integrated block KD-1001. The trigger end of the integrated block is connected to the positive end of the power supply to form a continuous output state of sound and light.
After power on, when the switch SB is turned off, the integrated block does not work, and the power supply injects a trigger current into the gate of the thyristor vs through the resistor R2,
vs is turned on, and the colored lamp H is always on when the power is on. If the switch SB is closed and the music integrated block KD -IOOI is powered on, the Q terminal of the integrated block will output a negative modulation pulse to rhythmically pull the gate current of the thyristor vs, causing vs to turn on and off, and the colored light H to flash. glow. Therefore, the switch SB can be used to select the two lighting states of the colored lamp: always on and flashing. When the colored lights are flashing, the piezoelectric ceramic piece B connected to the audio output end can also emit pleasant electronic music sounds.




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