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Color sensor circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:闪电杰克 Keywords: Circuit diagram sensor circuit RS trigger Updated: 2021/09/07

This is the color sensor circuit diagram . Color sensor is definitely an exciting project for hobbyists. This circuit can sense eight colors, such as blue, green and red (the three primary colors); magenta, yellow and cyan (auxiliary colors), black and white. The circuit is based on optical and digital electronics.

The color of the object that needs to be detected should be in front of the circuit/sensor. The light reflected from the object falls on three convex lenses mounted in front of the three LDRs. Use convex lenses to focus light. This helps improve the sensitivity of LDRs.

The corresponding blue, green and red glass plates (filters) of LDR1, LDR2 and LDR3 are fixed on the front. When reflected light falls from objects on the device, the colored filter glass plate determines which LDRs will be triggered . This circuit uses only 'AND' gates and 'NO' gates.

When the primary system colors light, the corresponding glass plate, the primary color, will allow certain light to pass through. However, the other two glass panes will not allow any light to pass through. So only one specific LDR will be triggered and the gate output of the corresponding LDR will become logic 1 to indicate the color it can be.

Likewise, when the system is of secondary colored light, the mixed colors corresponding to the two primary glass panels will allow light to pass through, while the remaining ones will not allow any light to pass through it. As a result both LDRs are triggered and the output corresponding to these gates will be logic 1, displaying the color it is.

When all LDRs are triggered or remain deactivated , you will see the white and black LEDs light up. The following factors may be carefully noted:

VR1, VR2 and VR3 potensiometers may be applied to change the sensitivity of the LDRs.

Use a good quality light filter.

The common goal of LDRs needs to be added to the positive power supply.

The LDR is mounted inside the tube, behind the lens, and aimed at the object. The colored glass filter needs to be fixed on the front, as shown in the picture of the LDR. In that case, within three years they are repaired. Adjustments will be necessary and the functionality of this gadget will also depend on its correct lighting conditions, as well as the fabrication and utilization of appropriate filters.


Color sensor<strong>Circuit diagram</strong>




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