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Single touch light switch circuit (5)

Source: InternetPublisher:sigma Keywords: Switch circuit touch type BSP relay Updated: 2021/03/16

105. Single-button<strong>touch</strong> light<strong>switch circuit</strong> (5).gif

It is a single-touch touch light switch composed of a low-current luminous neon tube and a novel memory lock relay . It can not only control the lighting or extinguishing of the light bulb by touching it, but the I{ switch Its own power consumption is in the microampere range regardless of whether the boat is "on" or "off". In addition, it can control the startup or shutdown of various household appliances except lamps .     Normally, neon and f do not glow, the photoresistor RI has a high resistance value (megohm level), the optocoupler MOC3014 especially the output transformer _I is not energized, and the self-locking relay K is in the initial state of on or off . When a human hand touches M, the leakage current from the human body causes v to glow, so the resistance of RL drops sharply to tens of thousands. After the 220V alternating current is stepped down by R;, RI. and rectified by VD1-VD4, the light-emitting tube inside the thyristor-type optocoupler M0(_:.3014 can be illuminated, the light-controlled thyristor is turned on, and the transformer T is energized . Set from The initial state of the lock-type relay K is "off", K is energized and closed, the contact k1 controlled by it is closed, and IU¨E emits light. After the human hand leaves M, the neon bulb and stop the light, and the circuit returns to the original state , the transformer r also loses power, so the control circuit uT no longer consumes electricity. Due to the unique mechanical structure of the self-locking relay , its contact kl state can remain self-locking, so the lamp E It can stay on. When the light is turned off, as long as MV glows again, K is energized again, its contact kl state flips and can keep the door lock small, and the light F goes out. The neon bulb v in this circuit uses R ., R, power supply, 1rr ensure that there is no need to distinguish between the orange line and the neutral line when wiring the circuit. Touch M "1 V can glow normally.     V Use the deuterium bubble RI of the test IU pen. It is Mf, 4 type 5 photosensitive Electrical devices, seal them in self-made illumination materials. When v glow is required, Rl. The resistance is above 50kn . It is a 12V zs-olr memory self-locking relay. It is essentially a static bi-stable relay that does not consume power . The line package only inputs a pulse voltage -Ⅱ achieves reliable flipping action for electric shock. The contact capacity is 3A, 220V, which is enough to meet the requirements of general small electrical appliances.





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