Home > Optoelectronic Circuits >Optoelectronic Display Circuits > HT7704 touch step dimming light circuit

HT7704 touch step dimming light circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:明天见 Keywords: Touch type dimmer light Updated: 2021/08/25

139.HT7704<strong>Touch type</strong> Stepper<strong>Dimmer light</strong><strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

A touch-type stepping light made of HT7704 integrated circuit . H17704 is a series of
products, including HT7704A, HT7704R and HT7704C. Among them, HT7704A is a three-step touch
dimming, HT7704R is a four-step touch dimming, and HT770-IC is a two-step dimming, that is, touch mode open/cover control .
The three application circuits are exactly
the same.
  HT7704 is
manufactured by CMOS Dingyi and
comes in a standard DIP-8 package.
The functions of each pin are as follows.
Pin ①osc is the oscillator
input. Pin ②ze is the input terminal for zero-crossing detection of
AC synchronization signal . Pin ③¨. ,, power supply iF terminal. Pin ④SENSE. Touch sensor signal input terminal, pin ⑦FB, controls the feedback signal of the SFINSI: terminal's current absorption, pin ⑥FSF], AC frequency selection control terminal. When the mains power is 50H, this terminal is connected to V; when the mains power is 60H, this terminal is connected to V-. r,. Pin ⑦仉. , power detection terminal. Pin ⑧TRI, trigger signal output terminal, triggers the finished gate tube. The power supply voltage range of HT7704 is 4-10V , and the typical voltage is 7V.     In the picture. V【), vs, 宮 and (1^ form a resistor rectifier circuit , which outputs about 7V DC as a voltage for the HT7704. When in use, just touch M to selectively control the light brightness. When using When the old Bu Yuan light (HTr 7【)4B) is used: when M is touched for the first time, the light E is "low light"; when M is touched for the first time, the light E is "rfl light down", and when M is touched for the first time. The light E is "on"; the fourth touch M. The light F is "highlight "; the fourth touch M, the light E goes out. When using two-step dimming (HT7704A): the first touch _VI, the light E is "low light"; touch M for the second time, the light E is "on"; touch _VI for the third time, light E is "ILli pocket"; touch M for the third time, the light E is off. When the control is off (HT7r04C), when M is touched for the first time , the light E is "highlighted"; when M is touched for the second time, the light E goes out.




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