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Eight-way flashing light string circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:方世玉223 Keywords: Flashing light BSP radiator Updated: 2021/08/24

269. Eight-way<strong>Flashing Lights</strong>String<strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

It is a practical eight-channel flashing light string controller with large output power, and the driving power of each channel can reach
1/)OOW. It is suitable for shopping malls, hotel facade decoration and outline light control of tall buildings.
    Guzhong SE9'2. I
is a bipolar
human-scale integrated circuit with L and M()S compatible processes
( available from
Henan Xijin Jubao Electronic Manufacturing Co., Ltd.). It adopts IP-IS packaging and can also be customized according to customer requirements. Users need to customize the Heiken soft package. There are very few peripheral components to modify the chip. The instrument requires a resistor RP and a capacitor C:, whose resistance and capacitance values ​​determine the clock frequency of the oscillator. The normal electric cell value is 0.1--0.22yF, and the resistor is a 1Mn variable resistor. By changing the resistance value, the flash speed can be changed. When the ideal j-light frequency is adjusted, the same resistance value can be used. Resistor. The circuit has four pattern transition terminals R1 -1{4. Through their different level connections, numerous changing flash patterns can be formed. See details in Figure 8-5. The chip has eight QI-OS input terminals, which can be connected to drive low-power thyristors to drive eight-way colored lights to flash. According to the circuit, eight 9013_ triodes of Ql--Q8 channels VTI-VT8 drive eight high-power thyristors VTHl- VTH8 (12A, /t300v), and push the eight-foot colored lights Fl-E8 to shine (to simplify the drawing , only the mountain El, E2 and E8 roads are drawn in the middle of the week, and the other roads are the same). The pattern twisting plate mainly consists of several strong switches connected in i/l rows according to the requirements in Table 8 and 5, and then a small pattern cycle can be obtained. Eight light-emitting tube should be installed on the panel of the controller ff/l'caizhou circulating electric bright finger/i (their Shiny and colorful at the same time).     Ding should use j 220V, 6 3V, SVA small §u high-quality power transformer, which is required to be turned on for a long time without generating heat. VTl-VTS u』H1 ordinary 9. 1:1 type silicon transistor, requiring p-]0{1. VrHi_vrH8 eight high-power H thyristors are required to be equipped with an aluminum radiator with sufficient area . Thermal conductive silicone grease is applied at the contact surface between the radiator and the thyristor to enhance heat transfer. This motor generally does not need to be debugged and operates normally. For high-power drive circuits , light fluctuations sometimes occur. This is caused by the high-power thyristor not being fully conductive. This can be solved by appropriately reducing its current limit (i.e. R-~S). If necessary The crystal tube can be replaced at any time. If the power is normal just after startup, but after working for a period of time, a certain light or a few lights are always on, it is usually caused by the use of inferior quality gate tubes or the insufficient area of ​​the radiator, which causes a temperature rise. If it is too high, the solution is to replace the inlet pipe with a better quality one or enlarge the radiator .




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