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5G8713 stepper motor control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:奥特man123 Keywords: Stepper motor motor control circuit 5G BSP Updated: 2021/09/20

1.<strong>5G</strong>8713 Stepper<strong>Motor Control Circuit</strong>.gif

It uses the domestic SG8713 external 5G1413 Darlington transistor
array driver integrated circuit to drive the four-phase winding. It is suitable for
situations where the voltage is less than 50V and the peak phase winding current is less than 250mA. The 5G1413 input terminal
has a 2.7ktl current limiting resistor in series internally , so it can be directly connected to the 5G
8713 output terminal.   Pulse dividers used to be called "ring dividers" because in their early days they were
constructed with discrete ring counters. A microcomputer is used to control the stepper motor . If
the distributor function is replaced by CPU software, it is commonly known as "soft loop splitting". Multiple parallel
ports of the CPU output pulse signals for distribution of each phase to directly control the power drive stage, which is called the direct control
  method. The other is the indirect control method. The CPU performs interpolation operations, gives each motor
  speed command, outputs step pulses and direction signals (or positive and negative
  pulses) from the two parallel ports of the CPU, and sends them to PMM8713 and other pulse distribution processor, allowing the hardware to complete the pulse distribution task,
  thus reducing the burden on the CPU.




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