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30W audio power amplifier LM4700-02

Source: InternetPublisher:公子李 Keywords: Audio power amplifier BSP Updated: 2021/10/02

28.30W<strong>Audio Power Amplifier</strong><strong>LM</strong>4700-02.gif

 LM4700 is a new product recently launched by National Semiconductor. It is an
audio power amplifier with squelch and backup mode selection . When the load resistance is 8n, it can provide a continuous average output power of 30W (typical value), and its total harmonic distortion
plus noise (T HD +N) is less than 0.1%.
    There is a unique spike signal protection circuit inside the LM4700, which is better than ordinary The safe work area is better protected. It not only avoids
harmful popping sounds when turning on and off, but also includes output over-voltage, over-current, output short-circuit to ground or power supply
protection, thermal breakdown, and instantaneous over-temperature protection. It is composed
    of LM 4700 The amplifier has very few peripheral components, but its fidelity and distortion are
comparable to power amplifiers composed of discrete components
    . The main limit parameters of I-M4700 are: power supply voltage lvccl+l VEEI is 64V; common mode input voltage ≤60V ; The differential
input voltage is 60V and the power consumption is 62. SW; the operating temperature range is -20℃~85℃.
    The device operates at v{--c-+28V and VEE-28V. RL - 8fl, - 1kHz, T HD +N -0.1% (max), the typical value
of the output power Po is 30W; the slew rate is 18V/ys; the signal-to-noise ratio is 108dB, the internal limit output current = 3.5 A 6




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