IR2130 application wiring diagram in three-phase fixed frequency output power supply system
Source: InternetPublisher:桂花蒸 Keywords: Wiring diagram power system frequency output IR2130 Updated: 2020/02/09
The above-mentioned advantages of Application Lift 1R 2130 make it easily used in DC chopper
speed regulation, DC servo system, three-phase variable frequency power supply, power switching power supply, variable frequency power supply
, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and AC speed regulation system. Due to space limitations, only three examples will
be cited to illustrate their applications.
(1) Application in six-step wave three-phase fixed frequency output power supply system : Figure 12-43
shows the schematic diagram of a typical three-phase fixed frequency output power supply. In the picture. The power supply for
the IR2130 itself comes from the 7805 three-terminal voltage regulator, whose input pulses come from
the 74175N six-divider, while the 555 astable multivibrator is used as a fixed rate generator
, which outputs a fixed frequency six times the output frequency. Obviously, a shunt is used in the figure
to measure the load current, and the fault signal output by the IR 2130 is directly used to
drive the light-emitting diode for fault display. This power supply can be used for power testing, and
can be used to convert power frequency AC power into 60Hz AC power as a
power supply in military and aerospace system laboratories.
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