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High-quality power amplifier combined with STK3048 and STK615301

Source: InternetPublisher:qoistoochee128 Keywords: ST power amplifier Updated: 2021/04/01

31. High-quality<strong>Amplifier</strong>01.gif combining<strong>ST</strong><strong>K30</strong>48 and STK6153

There are two stages inside ST K30 48. The input stage is a protected differential amplifier, and the two diodes at the base of the differential tube play a protective
role. Its collector's resistor-capacitor series phase compensation network can prevent the input stage from transient distortion due to sudden signals. A set of mirror current
sources q is connected between the two collectors. The purpose of this circuit is to linearly invert the current of the right input tube and the left input tube to form two subtractive current sources, and implement current excitation for the subsequent stage. The main voltage amplification stage is a common-base cascode circuit. The upper tube amplifies the signal in a broadband manner and provides impedance matching for the direct coupling between the input and output stages. The lower tube linearly outputs the amplified current of the upper tube to reduce the opening of this stage. loop distortion and provide larger excitation power to the subsequent stage. The two buffer amplifier tubes are supplemented by constant current sources as loads , which have strong ability to suppress power supply ripple.




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