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Simplified resistance temperature measurement circuit using positive feedback method to improve performance

Source: InternetPublisher:ohahaha Keywords: Temperature measurement circuit BSP AI Updated: 2021/12/12

3. Improved simplification using positive feedback method<strong>Resistor</strong><strong>Temperature measurement circuit</strong>.gif

OP amplifier Ai is a box-phase amplification circuit, and a temperature- resistant resistor  is connected in the feedback loop . When using smA current for constant current bias, the output terminal of Ai can have
an o. sv (when ooc) voltage. Assume that the change amount of RTD is dchu, and
the change amount of output voltage is ARysm.
    The method of A* withering is to divide the voltage of the base stack with on_, 29IPpit, and
then input AS o
    about Linear rise problem: It also outputs the partial pressure of Rt and VRi, and sends it to
the inverting amplifier to form a positive feedback, which can be corrected by increasing the RTD bias
    The function of the output amplifier 43 is to invert the phase, amplify it 5 times, and adjust the variation range
so that the output voltage is 5v at 5000c.




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