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Homemade active two-way HI-FI amplifier 01

Source: InternetPublisher:清宁时光 Keywords: Amplifier HI-FI BSP RC Updated: 2021/12/10

1. Homemade active two-way <strong>HI-FI</strong><strong>amplifier</strong>01.gif

(1) Active RC crossover circuit
    As we all know, making a high-quality Hi-Fi audiophile-level power amplifier is by no means an easy task. It is
a series of processes from design to material preparation and assembly. There must be no sloppiness or cutting corners. Otherwise, the assembled power
amplifier will not be able to experience the "fever" flavor.
    At present, the most widely used is the final LC crossover. The solution is simple and easy to implement, and the cost is low. Good sound quality can also reach
the level of Hi-Fi "fever" grade amplifier. This may be the direct reason why professional or non-professional radio factories at home and abroad generally use 6
Of course, professional radio factories use computer calculations, professional instrument measurements and manual corrections to achieve Hi-Fi
level . It is by no means an easy task for amateurs to reach professional level.
Compared with the final JJC crossover scheme, the front-stage RC crossover (i.e. active or passive two-way, three-way ) not only has an accurate frequency crossover point and
is easy to adjust, but also has low distortion, excellent low-frequency damping performance, and lower requirements for the final power amplifier. Amateurs can generally meet
the requirements , but the cost is slightly higher and the production is slightly It is difficult, but with the emergence of high-power thick film integrated circuits and active multi-stage frequency division thick film integrated circuits
, the production of this kind of front-stage RC frequency division scheme has become a piece of cake. It stands out
    in the front-stage RC frequency division scheme. ,. Due to the existence of many undesirable problems such as distortion, impedance matching, attenuation rate, etc.
, people generally believe that the active RC frequency division scheme is better than the passive RC frequency division scheme after many practices. The RC two-way
frequency division scheme is currently a relatively mature active frequency division scheme, and it is also the most suitable frequency division scheme for "fever" people.




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