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Production of high-quality active two-way constant current power amplifier 01

Source: InternetPublisher:司马缸砸光 Keywords: constant current power amplifier phase shift network Updated: 2021/04/23

5. Production of high-quality active two-way <strong>constant current</strong><strong>power amplifier</strong> 01.gif

10. For an electronic crossover with good performance, in addition to the conventional indicators such as distortion, load, and impedance, it is also important to consider its attenuation rate. The rate increases
with the order of the crossover network . Generally speaking, the larger the attenuation rate, the better, which
can reduce the distortion caused by the mutual interference of treble and bass. However, the phase shift also increases with the order. Generally , the smaller the phase shift, the better. In summary, it is generally believed that the second-order frequency division is slightly better. Figure 9-7 shows the amplitude characteristics of
the second-order high-pass and low-pass filter networks . And the synthesized
curve mouth can be found from the figure that the synthesized curve is not a straight line, but produces a depression.




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