STK3102Ⅲ is a dual power supply and two channel preamplifier thick film integrated circuit, specially used to drive
the circuit of STK0100 or STK0100Ⅱ. Its internal circuit structure is shown in Figure 2-98.
It can be seen from the figure that the input stage of the circuit is a differential circuit with a constant current source and a constant current load. VT6.Vr7 is a
common emitter. Common base voltage amplifier circuit, which together with VT8 constitutes a push stage. The open-loop gain of the circuit can reach 100c-IB, and
the harmonic distortion is 0.005%. The circuit has good DC stability.
, =20Hz~20kHo
As can be seen from the table, the STK3102Ⅲ circuit is characterized by low distortion, externally adjustable gain, high operating voltage , and few external
components. It is suitable for driving ST K0100 series power amplifiers.
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