a watchdog circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:他们逼我做卧底 Updated: 2015/11/14

Relevant key device information applied in this article: DC4060 9014 IRF540S as shown above: When the circuit is working, as long as the reset pulse is given to the CD4060 regularly, it can ensure that Q1 is in the cut-off state, so that the controlled NMOS tube is in the conducting state to the processor circuit. System power supply. The advantage of this circuit is that the timing time can be relatively long, a few minutes is no problem, and it can give those systems that require a long time to initialize enough time to initialize. The pulse triggers the dog feeding, and when powered on, a reset pulse is automatically given to the counter through R2, C1, and R3 to ensure that Vout has an output. The circuit cost is also low. The biggest disadvantage of this circuit is that the pulse requirements for feeding the dog are relatively wide.




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