5V transformerless power supply circuit diagram complete
Source: InternetPublisher:super_star Keywords: Power circuit no transformer Updated: 2024/03/29
5v transformerless power supply circuit diagram (1)
This is a circuit diagram for a 5V transformerless power supply using minimal components . The working principle of this circuit is very simple. Resistor R1 is responsible for current limiting, and bridge D1 is responsible for rectifying the power supply voltage. The zener diode regulates the rectifier output to obtain a stable 5V DC and capacitor C2 acts as a filter .
Assemble the circuit on the Vero board.
Be very careful when connecting circuits directly to mains power.
Bridge D1 can be made by using four 1N4007 diodes.
F1 can be a 250mA fuse .
5v transformerless power supply circuit diagram (2)
Capacitor step-down 5V DC regulated power supply . The following power supply can provide a maximum current of about 55mA :
5v transformerless power supply circuit diagram (3)
The following power supply is a capacitor-stepped 5V DC regulated power supply, which can provide a maximum current of about 120mA:
5v transformerless power supply circuit diagram (4)
0-300v adjustable output circuit. This circuit adds a 1:1 transformer to isolate it from the mains power. You can directly input the mains power without this transformer. Of course, the safety will be reduced, but it will not affect the use.
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