60w bass amplifier circuit diagram explanation
Source: InternetPublisher:ohahaha Keywords: Power amplifier amplifier circuit Updated: 2024/07/12
Output power: 40W into 8 ohms, 60W into 4 ohms
Amplifier circuit schematic:
Amplifier Section:
1W resistor R1 6K8
R2, R4 470R 1/4W resistor
R3 2K 1/2W Metal Ceramic Trimmer
R5, R6 4K7 1/2W resistor
R7 220R 1/2W resistor
1/2W resistor R8 2K2
R9 50K 1/2W Metal Ceramic Trimmer
R10 68K 1/4W resistor
R11, R12, R47 4W wirewound resistors
C1, C2, C4, C5 47μF 63V electrolytic capacitors
C3 100μF 25V electrolytic capacitor
C6 33PF 63V ceramic capacitor
C71000μF50V electrolytic capacitor
C8 63V2200μF electrolytic capacitor (see notes)
D1 LED any type and color
D2 diode bridge 200V 6A
Q1, Q2 BD139 80V 1.5A NPN transistor
3rd MJ11016 120V 30A NPN Darlington transistor (see notes)
Q4 MJ11015 120V 30A PNP Darlington transistor (see notes)
SW1 Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) Power Switch
F1 4A fuse socket
48-50V Secondary 75 to 150VA Power Transformer T1 Primary 220V
PL1 power plug
SPKR wiring one or more speakers in series or parallel. Total impedance: 8 or 4 ohms. Minimum power handling: 75W
Preamplifier circuit schematic:
Preamplifier Section:
P1 10K linear potentiometer
P2 10K resistor. Potentiometer
R1, R2 68K 1/4W resistor
1/4W resistor R3 680K
1/4W resistor R4 220K
R5 33K 1/4W resistor
1/4W resistor R6 2K2
1/4W resistor R7 5K6
R8, R18 330R 1/4W resistor
R9 47K 1/4W resistor
R10 18K 1/4W resistor
R11 4K7 1/4W resistor
R12 1K 1/4W resistor
1/4W resistor R13 1K5
R14, R15, R16 100K 1/4W resistor
R17 10K 1/4W resistor
C1, C4, C8, C9, C10 10μF 63V electrolytic capacitors
C247μF63V electrolytic capacitor
C3 47PF 63V ceramic capacitor
C5 220nF capacitor 63V polyester
5233 470NF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C7 100nF 63V polyester capacitor
C112 20μF 63V electrolytic capacitor
Q1, Q3 BC546 NPN transistor 65V 100mA
Q2 BC556 65V 100mA PNP transistor
J1, J2 6.3 mm. mono jack,
SPST switch SW1
Circuit Description:
The design uses a complete power amplifier circuit, using a single power supply of about 60V, OTL circuit structure, and the output level is coupled to the speaker via capacitors. The preamplifier is powered by the same 60V single power supply as the power amplifier.
Technical data:
40W output into 8 ohms, 70mV input
60W output into 4 ohms, 63mV input
Frequency response:
50Hz to 20KHZ - 0.5dB; 1.5dB @ 40Hz - 3.5dB @ 30Hz
Total Harmonic Distortion @ 1KHz and 8 Ohm load:
Less than 0.1% up to 10W; 0.2% @ 30W
Total Harmonic Distortion at 10KHz and 8 ohm load:
Less than 0.15% up to 10W; 0.3% @ 30W
Total Harmonic Distortion @ 1KHz and 4 Ohm load:
Less than 0.18% up to 10W; 0.4% @ 60W
Total Harmonic Distortion at 10KHz and 4 ohm load:
Less than 0.3% up to 10W; 0.6% @ 60W
Bass Control:
Fully clockwise = 13.7 dB @ 100 Hz; 23 dB @ 10 kHz
Center position = 4.5 dB @ 100 Hz
Fully counterclockwise = 12.5dB @ 100Hz 0.7dB @ 1KHz and 10KHz
Low-cut switch:
-1.5dB @ 300HZ -2.5dB @ 200HZ -4.4dB @ 100HZ -10dB @ 50Hz
The value listed for C8 is the recommended minimum. A 3300μF capacitor or two 2200μF capacitors wired in parallel would be a better choice.
Such a design may be too large for the Darlington transistor types listed on the market. You can also replace them with MJ11014 (Q3) and MJ11013 (Q4) or TIP142 (Q3) and TIP147 (Q4).
The T1 transformer can also be a 24+24 or 25+25V type (i.e. a 48V or 50V center tap). Obviously, the center tap must be left floating.
SW1 switch inserts the low-cut function on.
In all cases where a Darlington transistor is used as an output device, it is essential that the sensing transistor (Q2) should be in as close thermal contact as possible with the output transistor. Therefore, a TO126 case transistor type is chosen to easily bolt the heat sink, very close to the output pair.
R9 must be trimmed from the positive lead of C7 and ground so as to measure about half the supply voltage. A better setup can be achieved by using an oscilloscope at maximum output power to obtain a symmetrical output waveform without clipping.
To set the quiescent current, temporarily remove fuse F1 and insert the AVO meter's long probes into the two wires of the fuse holder.
Set the volume control to minimum and trim R3 to its minimum resistance.
Power on the circuit and adjust R3 to read the current graph for a current of approximately 30-35mA.
Wait about 15 minutes and watch if the current changes and adjust if necessary.
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