The PyBoad was the first device developed and built for MyPython. It can be purchased from the MyPython website. Damian and Viktoriya's company can ship prototype boards to anywhere in the world. The original PyBoard was about the size of a large postage stamp. The board connects to your PC via a micro USB cable. This connection provides two ways to interact with the device: as a USB flash drive and as a serial-based Python rePL. Perhaps the most common problem with MicroPython is the wrong micro USB cable. There are two types: those that provide only power (commonly used for charging devices such as cell phones) and those that provide both power and data. You should use the latter type of cable. If your board powers up (you should see an LED light up) but you don't think it works as a connected USB flash drive or can't connect to the rePL, then you may have the wrong type of USB cable. This warning applies to all devices discussed in this book. The PyBoad contains a small file system as part of its flash (on-chip) memory. It also has an SD card slot so you can add more available storage. If you access the PyBoad as flash storage, you will be able to copy files to and from the board's file system. If you create a Python script called on the board's file system, MyPython will execute this script on startup. Thus, scripts can be run on the board without having to be connected to a PC. Just like regular Python, you can copy other Python files, import them into, and organize the code into appropriate modules. Once physically connected (USB to PC or other device), you can also connect to the board using any serial program to get the MyPython RePL prompt. Enter Python commands into the RePL to have them evaluated and executed immediately. This is a great and easy way to explore the capabilities of MicroPython, experiment, and discover how things work. Another useful way to interact, any script that might be run from the file system is also within the RePL scope. Just like regular Python, by pressing CTRL-C, the program will break and you will have access to all the objects used by the script. This is very useful for debugging scripts. It is also possible to enter a special "paste" mode by pressing CTRL-E, which allows you to copy and paste large amounts of text into the RePL. Press CTRL-C to cancel or CTRL-D to evaluate the pasted code and return to normal RePL use.