Freescale Semiconductor is expanding its high-performance S12X 16-bit microprocessor (MCU) product family to provide designers of automotive body and multi-tasking applications with enhanced system integrity and higher integration. The advanced S12XE MCU family has more memory options, provides more functionality in one product, and reduces overall system cost. As a leading device, the S12XEP100 doubles the memory capacity to 1MB based on the S12X series, significantly improving the performance of the MCU in a variety of applications, including central body control, instrument detection, door modules and chassis nodes. The advanced 208 MAP BGA package provides more input/output ports than before. S12XE is based on the widely used HCS12 product series, providing some advanced features that enable current HCS12 users to maintain the value of their investment in software and system design. At the same time, it also has a leap in functionality to meet the needs of the next generation of vehicle electronic systems. S12X MCU offers flash memory from 16K to 1MB, which is one of the products with the largest storage capacity span on the market. The S12XE series uses leading 0.18-micron process technology to expand the storage area and support more peripheral device modules on a smaller chip size. The S12XE family includes a memory protection unit (MPU) to prevent systematic errors in software. This MPU solves potential problems caused by incorrect interactions between different modules. This feature is critical in automotive design because it helps to minimize the spread of systematic faults in the car. The S12XE family uses the XGATE coprocessor module to improve performance. This module is an essential component in many automotive S12X projects and provides multiple functions, such as display driving, advanced pulse modulation (PWM) functions and interrupt handling. XGATE can significantly reduce the CPU load, allowing the CPU to focus resources on running key system activities, thereby reducing response time. With the versatility of XGATE, manufacturers can add more innovative features to their designs. Third-party hardware and software tools are available from multiple manufacturers. Designers can also use existing HCS12 tools for S12XE development. In addition to demonstration and development tools, Freescale also provides comprehensive technical support, including reference designs, application notes and online tutorials, all of which are designed to shorten development time. |