1. StartUp Run reset and initialization phase * Note: This command cannot be started by software, only by power-on or hardware reset.
2. Idle No action: Cancel the currently executed command
3. Transmit Send data from the FIFO buffer to the card data stream
4. Receive Start the receiver circuit * Note: Before the receiver is actually started, the state machine will end the waiting time after the time configured by the register RxWait. Since this command has no timing relationship with the Transmit command, it can only be used for testing.
5. Transceive Send data from the FIFO to the card and automatically start the receiver after sending. * Note: Before the receiver is actually started, the state machine will end the waiting time after the time configured by the register RxWait; this command is a combined data stream of sending and receiving.
6.WriteE2 Get data from FIFO buffer and write to internal
7.ReadE2 Read data from internal E2PROM and put it into FIFO buffer *Note: key cannot be read out
8.LoadKeyE2 Copy a key from E2PROM to key buffer
9.LoadKey Read key byte from FIFO buffer and put it into key buffer *Note: key must be prepared in specified format
10.Authent1 Perform the first part of Crypto1 card authentication
11.Authent2 Perform the second part of card authentication using Crypto1 algorithm
12.LoadConfig Read data from E2PROM and initialize MF RC500 registers
13.CalcCRC Start CRC coprocessor *Note: CRC calculation result can be read from registers CRCResultLSB and CRCResultMSB. / message